Hans Theessink

Baby Wants To Boogie

In Italy, the blues and its´great performers are very popular. One of the few europeans to fit into this category is Dutchman Hans Theessink. His approach to the blues roots is pure and mature. The voice is strong and intense; the guitar, sometimes soft – sometimes raging, is always in line with the compositions. The power of this lp lies in the mixture of classic blues, country-blues and plain old boogie: earthy sounds from the Euro-Bluesman – with the help of some musical friends … enjoy it!

Susans, January 1987
Mauro quai


Hans Theessink - Baby Wants To Boogie

Seite A
Baby Wants To Boogie Hans Theessink 4:07
My Baby Changed The Lock On Her Door Hans Theessink 4:16
Slidin' Delta J. Hurt, arr. by H. Theessink 2:24
Stones In My Passway R. Johnson-Pd, arr. by H. Theessink 5:09
Nobody's Fault But Mine W. Johnson, arr. by H. Theessink 3:12
Seite B
Darkest Hour Hans Theessink 3:50
Southsea Shuffle Hans Theessink 1:58
Hunted Man Hans Theessink 5:40
Went To The Doctor Hans Theessink 3:14
When Things Go Wrong B. Broonzy, arr. by H. Theessink 4:07
Hans Theessink (Gesang, Gitarren, Mandoline, Mundharmonika)
Jon Sass (Tuba)
Alex Munkas (Schlagzeug, Percussion)
Flaco Jimenez (Akkordeon)
Christian Dozler (Mundharmonika)
Nicola Parov (Gadulka)
Dana Gillespie, Pippa Armstrong (Background-Sänger)
Aufnahme: Axel Munkas
Remastering: Christoph Stickel und Dirk Sommer
Schnitt der Lackfolie: Willem Makkee
Pressung: Optimal Media
sommelier du son ist ein Projekt von Birgit Hammer-Sommer und Dirk Sommer, bei dem sich alles um gute Musik und ihre adäquate Aufnahme und Wiedergabe dreht.
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